Фестиваль «Coachella» 2024

Coachella 2023

Coachella 2023

Те, кто любит независимую музыку, наверняка слышали о фестивале под названием «Коачелла». Он примечателен тем, что билеты на него раскупаются за двадцать минут. Причем, их продажа ведется всего два раза в год: летом и зимой. Истинные поклонники музыкального экстрима уже сейчас с нетерпением ждут момента, когда станут обладателем счастливого билета на праздник «Coachella 2023».


Давайте познакомимся более подробно с этим фестивалем, чтобы понять, почему он пользуется такой популярностью в мире.

Небольшой экскурс в прошлое

Фестиваль назвали так, потому что он проходит в одноименной долине, что расположена в американском штате Калифорния.

Недалеко расположено еще одно удивительное место, которое назвали раем миллионеров. Речь идет о гламурном городке — Палм-Спрингсе. Территориально фестиваль проходит в 201 км восточнее Лос-Анджелеса.

В 2023 году фестиваль отметит свой юбилей – двадцатилетие. Впервые праздник музыки «Коачелла» прошел в 1999 году. Однако, многие считают, что рождением фестиваля надо считать 1993 год. Именно тогда в этой уникальной долине состоялось выступление группы «Pearl Jam». Их концерт надолго остался в памяти ценителей современной музыки, так как собрал более 25 тыс. зрителей. Этот факт убедил организаторов, что долина «Coachellа» может стать идеальным местом для проведения еще более масштабных концертов и фестивалей. Первые попытки организовать нечто значительное не увенчались успехом. И, это при том, что на концертах организованного фестиваля выступали довольно известные исполнители такие, как:

  • Oasis;
  • Fatboy Slim;
  • Rage Against the Machine;
  • Paul Oakenfold;
  • Björk;
  • The Chemical Brothers и др.

В общем, первые фестивали «Коачелла» были лишены большого числа зрителей и не давали существенной прибыли. Однако, компания «Goldenvoice», которая занималась организацией шоу, не теряла надежды и постоянно меняла формат мероприятия. В итоге, организаторы все-таки достигли успеха. Coachella 2012 собрала рекордное число зрителей – 100 тыс. человек.

Даты проведения

Сначала фестиваль был однодневным (2001г.), потом двухдневным (с 2002 по 2007 г.). Затем четыре года он длился три дня. C 2012 года «Коачелла» проходит в два этапа. Первая половина фестиваля начинается в пятницу предпоследней недели апреля и проходит три дня. Затем до пятницы следующей недели никаких мероприятий не происходит. В пятницу последней недели апреля начинается вторая часть фестиваля, которая длится тоже три дня.

В 2023 году фестиваль пройдет в следующие дни:

Coachella 2023: объявлен полный состав и хедлайнеры

Буквально позавчера был официально объявлен состав грядущего музыкального фестиваля Coachella 2023. Разумеется, что не обошлось и без сюрпризов.

В этом году хедлайнером будет уже не Канье Уэст. Возглавлять фестиваль будут Childish Gambino, Tame Impala, Ариана Гранде, Bad Bunny, Rüfus du Sol, DJ Snake и Халид. К вашему сведению, Уэсту было предложено стать хедлайнером Coachella 2023, но он потребовал индивидуальной и расширенной сцены, чтобы показать себя в лучшем свете.

По данным TMZ организаторы Coachella, по-видимому, отказались от этой идеи, хотя до сих пор неясно, продлил ли мега-фестиваль свое приглашение или нет. Помимо спорной политики и бесконечной наигранности, на самом деле неясно, появится ли Уэст на концерте или в итоге отклонит приглашение.

Вместо этого организаторы фестиваля решили не устраивать драму. Они вполне довольны разнообразным списком артистов. Рэп будет представлен такими артистами, как Juice WRLD, Wiz Khalifa, YG, Pusha T и Playboi Carti, а также артистом/группой с подозрительным названием Gucci Gang.

Касательно этих сомнительных ребят были слухи, что это всего лишь опечатка в Gucci Mane или в названии супергруппы с Lil Pump. На самом деле Gucci Gang относится к трио, состоящее из Gucci Mane, Lil Pump и Smokepurpp. Приятная неожиданность, не правда ли?

Но рэп ни в коем случае не будет доминировать на фестивале. Если присмотреться, то в составе можно увидеть представителей различных жанров: Кристина и Queens, Bassnectar, Афекс Твин, Weezer, Андерсон Пак, The 1975 и Кейси Масгрейвс.

Coachella 2023 — фестиваль музыки и искусств в долине Коачелла

О выставке Coachella 2023

Также рекомендуем:

Видалия, 01 — 30.04. 2023

Вашингтон, 01 — 31.05. 2023

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  • Арендовать авто
  • Услуги переводчика

Организатор: Goldenvoice Веб-сайт: перейти на сайт выставки

Планируют быть на Coachella 2023

Пока никто не отметился на событии.

Что вы думаете о выставке?

Фестиваль короткометражных фильмов в Олбани

Фестиваль электронной музыки в Майами

Музыкальный фестиваль в Калифорнии

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Как съездить на музыкальный фестиваль с пользой для английского

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Летом тысячи туристов посещают музыкальные фестивали по всему миру. Они наслаждаются музыкой, заводят новые знакомства и запасаются эмоциями на год вперед. Но не стоит забывать, что это еще и отличный способ попрактиковать свой английский. В этой статье мы представим слова и фразы, которые пригодятся вам для общения с организаторами и участниками фестиваля, а также расскажем о 10 лучших летних музыкальных событий мира.

До фестиваля

Перед тем как ехать на фестиваль, нужно связаться с его организаторами, чтобы задать все уточняющие вопросы: как добраться до места проведения фестиваля, где можно остановиться на ночлег, сколько стоит входной билет, кто из артистов будет выступать и т. д.

Масштабные летние фестивали, как правило, длятся несколько дней. Естественно, что состав исполнителей (performers) и музыкальных групп (music bands) может оказаться довольно внушительным. Заранее ознакомьтесь с полным списком заявленных музыкантов (a line-up) и графиком (a schedule) их выступлений.

– What is a line-up for Сoachella in 2023? – Кто будет выступать на фестивале Coachella в 2023?
– The official Coachella 2023 line-up will be released in January. – Официальный список исполнителей Coachella 2023 будет оглашен в январе.

Выступления исполнителей проходят либо на главной сцене (a main stage), либо на боковой/дополнительной сцене (a side stage). Это зависит от музыкального жанра и популярности артиста.

Ни один фестиваль не обойдется без знаменитости – популярного музыканта (a headliner). Его ждут больше других, и выступает он обычно в самом конце.

Beyonce is announced as a headliner at Glastonbury next year. – Бейонсе объявлена главной звездой фестиваля Гластонбери в следующем году.

Помимо артистов, об участии в фестивале которых известно заранее (in advance), часто бывают и специальные гости (special guests, surprise performers), которые появляются на мероприятии совершенно неожиданно.

Eminem became a surprise performer when appeared at Rihanna’s performance and stole her show. – Эминем удивил всех, когда появился на выступлении Рианны и затмил ее.

Жилье и проезд

Если вы уже определились, кого и когда хотите послушать, самое время подыскать себе жилье (lodging, accommodation).

I am looking for lodging for this summer music fest. What options do you have? – Я ищу жилье на этот летний музыкальный фестиваль. Какие у Вас есть варианты?

Варианты жилья могут быть абсолютно разными, все зависит от вашего бюджета (a budget) и предпочтений (preferences).

Не забудьте задать организаторам уточняющие вопросы о жилье:

Если вы собираетесь ехать на машине, обязательно спланируйте свой маршрут (to plan your route) и узнайте о возможных пробках (traffic jams). Схему проезда (a road map) вы наверняка найдете на сайте фестиваля. Если вы хотите сэкономить и потратить меньше на бензин, воспользуйтесь райдшерингом (ridesharing, carpooling) – совместным использованием транспортного средства с другими попутчиками.

Организаторы фестивалей часто предоставляют автобусы (shuttles), которые довезут вас до места проведения фестиваля (a festival venue). Расписание (a schedule) курсирования автобусов уточните у организаторов.

Билет на фестиваль (a pass) можно купить онлайн или у компаний-партнеров фестиваля (как правило, это музыкальные магазины или кафе). Пропуск на территорию фестиваля может быть в виде браслета (a wristband), бейджа (a badge) или даже ультрафиолетовой печати (an ultraviolet stamp). Билеты чаще всего бывают двух типов: стандартный (General Admission), который предусматривает обслуживание в порядке очереди (first-come, first-served), и ВИП (a VIP Pass). Владельцы ВИП-пропусков (VIP pass holders) получают дополнительные преимущества, например:

  • access to VIP viewing area close to the main stage – доступ к ВИП-площадкам, расположенных близко к главной сцене;
  • a reserved seat in the first rows during headlining artists – зарезервированное место в первых рядах в течение выступления хедлайнера;
  • priority entry/bar lanes at the festival – приоритетное обслуживание в очередях на входах/барах;
  • shaded areas – площадки, где можно отдохнуть от жары в тени;
  • picnic tables – столы для пикников;
  • couches – диваны;
  • swimming pools – бассейны;
  • a festival T-shirt – футболка с логотипом фестиваля;
  • golf cart tour of festival ground – тур на гольфмобиле по территории фестиваля;
  • complimentary snacks and beverages – бесплатные закуски и напитки.

Найти ответы на самые распространенные вопросы вы можете на сайте в разделе «часто задаваемые вопросы» (FAQ, frequently asked questions), например:

Coachella 2023

About Coachella

Coachella is a US based Californian festival that can trace its lineage back to a single Pearl Jam gig held at the Empire Polo Club in Indio California in 1993. Some six years later Paul Tollett decided to use the same venue to host what’s become one of the most important events in the world music calendar. Expect a true multi-genre showcase that’s likely to include some of the world’s greatest acts rubbing shoulders with the new young contenders.

This is a festival that’s all about sticking it to your senses – a vibe that can be clearly felt in the massive amount of art installations, showmanship and interactive insanity that adds to the magic of this showcase event. Even though Coachella takes place in mid April, you’re almost guaranteed a fine blast of sunshine as this event is located in the middle of the California Desert.

Like many festivals today, the Coachella team are concerned about the carbon footprint of their event. They promote carpooling and cars with four or more people that display the word carpoolchella somewhere on their car could be selected by a secret spotter to win lifetime tickets for everyone in the car.

Alongside Burning Man, Coachella is one of the must see events in the US festival calendar.

Ticket info

Coachella 2023 tickets

Dates: Friday 12th to Sunday 21st April 2023
Venue/location: Indio, California
Price: From £230

2023 Line-up

Venue info

Address: Empire Polo Club, 81-800 Avenue 51, Indio, California 92201, USA
Capacity: 90000
Accommodation: Book hotels near Coachella

Coachella 2023 Lineup, Dates, Tickets & Tour Information

Posted by Admin | Jan 8, 2023 | Editorials | 0 |

Looking for the best Coachella 2023 lineup information? How about dates, tickets, and other important information? Come read our entire Coachella lineup guide and see who’s playing this year!

Coachella is a yearly music festival that takes place in Indio, California over two weekends in April. With the exception of minor changes, the lineup is the exact same on both weekends, so fans can choose which weekend works best for them.

Where is Coachella?

Coachella takes place in Indio, California, which is just over 2 hours (128 miles) east of Los Angeles. The closest hub to Indio is Palm Springs, CA, which is only 23 miles west of Indio. The population of Indio is just over 80,000 people and it is nicknamed the “City of Festivals” thanks to its heavy art and festival scene.

Coachella 2023 Lineup

The Coachella 2023 lineup was announced on January 2nd, 2023. The three day festival is being headlined by Childish Gambino, Tame Impala, and Ariana Grande on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday respectively.

Because Coachella is one of the first festival lineups to be released each year, it often gives a good preview of which artists are going to be releasing new music this upcoming year.

Below is a preview of the Coachella 2023 lineup for each day. Each link takes you to the tour guide page for each artist so that you can find out where else that artist is playing in 2023. As well, all of our tour guides have setlist, presale codes, VIP ticket info, merchandise, and a whole lot more to check out!

Friday Coachella 2023 Lineup

  • Childish Gambino
  • Janelle Monae
  • The 1975
  • DJ Snake
  • Diplo
  • Anderson Paak
  • Kacey Musgraves
  • Juice WRLD
  • Ella Mai
  • Los Tucanes De Tijuana
  • Jaden Smith

Saturday Coachella 2023 Lineup

  • Tame Impala
  • Solange
  • Kid Cudi
  • Weezer
  • Aphex Twin
  • J Balvin
  • Billie Eilish
  • Christine & the Queens
  • Wiz Khalifa
  • Bazzi

Sunday Coachella 2023 Lineup

  • Ariana Grande
  • Khalid
  • Zedd
  • Gesaffelstein
  • Bad Bunny
  • Dillon Francis
  • YG
  • Playboi Carti
  • H.E.R
  • Pusha T
  • Kaytranada

Coachella 2023 Passes

The official Coachella website has all of the information you need to know about buying passes to the festival. Tickets are not on sale yet, but you can join the waitlist on the home page and be notified as soon as tickets go on sale. It is best to have a plan in mind and to act fast as soon as tickets go on sale because they do sell fast.

The following Coachella 2023 pass types are available:

General Admission Coachella Pass

Allows entrance to the venue and daily parking lots for all 3 days. GA pass holders may visit the GA camping areas.

General Admission + Shuttle Coachella Pass

This pass includes the same features as the General Admission above, in addition to a shuttle pass for all three days.

VIP Coachella Pass

Allows entrance to the venue, VIP areas, and day parking lots for all three days. Can visit all camping areas.

For other information including camping information, parking addons, and other rentals, refer to the official Coachella website.

Comment below or let us know on Facebook and Twitter if you want to know about any other Coachella 2023 lineup or festival information.

Childish Gambino, Tame Impala & Ariana Grande Headline Coachella 2023

The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival has announced its full-line up for 2023, with Childish Gambino, Tame Impala, and Ariana Grande bagging the top slots on the bill.

This year’s festival will also see performances by Anderson .Paak, Janelle Monáe, Virgil Abloh, Juice WRLD, Solange, Kid Cudi, Aphex Twin, Blood Orange, Pusha-T, Gucci Gang, Sheck Wes, Jaden Smith, 070 Shake, and K-pop act BLACKPINK. Check out the full lineup below.

Fans expecting to see Kanye West’s name adorning the top of the line-up have been left disappointed, however. According to a report by TMZ, West was slated to perform but dropped out after a conflict over stage design.

Coachella takes place at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California and runs over two weekends, April 12-14 and April 19-21.

Are you going to Coachella this year? Let us know in the comments.

In other music news, Noname kicks off 2023 with new track “Song 31.”

Most Popular


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Coachella 2023

Plan for Coachella 2023

Indio, California

Coachella: California’s Hottest Outdoor Music And Arts Festival

Ear candy. Festival fashion, filled with sparkles, feathers, and color. Jaw-dropping art. A picturesque desert location, just off Palm Springs. These are just some of the things that attendees look forward to, year after year, at Coachella, considered as one of the best festivals around the world in April.

This annual music festival is held at the stunning grounds of the Empire Polo Club, which transforms into a music and arts paradise.

‘Both established and up-and-coming names in indie, rock, EDM, and hip-hop create a delightful auditory experience that will have you dancing for hours.’

The first Coachella was held in 1999, and today it is recognized as one of the biggest and most famous music festivals in the world. It’s THE place to be during spring, so don’t be left behind with FOMO next year. It’s featured the Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beyonce, Radiohead, Belle and Sebastian, The Flaming Lips, Coldplay, Madonna, and many other timeless acts. Watch out fort the 2023 lineup which will not disappoint.

The event’s success has made it a benchmark for American music festivals, which many have tried to duplicate. It is the ultimate destination festival in the United States, where attendees can revel in the beautiful outdoors, indulge in art, come in crazy festival attire, and have the party of a lifetime over two weekends. Plus, there are more than a hundred vendors selling festival food that most other events can only dream of offering: wood-fired pizza, handmade burgers, street tacos, and even gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian delights. Craft beers and curated cocktails from talented mixologists will serve as your party fuel. Don’t drink? There’s kombucha too! Yes, seriously: they’ve thought of everything.

Where to view Coachella

Coachella is held at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, east of Palm Springs in California. There are General Admission tickets, VIP admission, and tickets enhanced with shuttle pass and parking.

How to get around Indio

Get around efficiently by option for the shuttles that are offered via Valley Music Travel, valid for all days of the festival. You can also make use of the national bus services offered by Greyhound, and the train and bus stops of Amtrak. If you’re traveling with a group, your best bet is to rent a car. Rideshares, taxis, and limousines will also be available.

Where to stay for Coachella

Since the event has started to allow camping a few years back, this has become the preferred accommodation of choice for many attendees. However, if you prefer the creature comforts of a hotel, there are tons hotels and accommodation rentals nearby at Palm Springs. Check out the map below for the closest Airbnb’s and hotels to the venue.

Things to do in Indio

The greater Palm Springs area has lots to offer visitors who love sunny weather, friendly people, and a fun culture. The natural beauty of the area is best explored with the free hiking trails, which appeal to families, newbies, and seasoned hikers. There are more art galleries and museums than you can imagine, perfect for culture vultures.

When the sun goes down, find out why stargazing is such a popular activity here. Head over to the Astronomical Society of the Desert, which has telescopes you can use. Oh, and the nightlife is painfully hip so make sure you don’t go to bed early. Ultra-cool watering holes decked out in stylish décor, tiki bars, cool pubs, and other unique spots are waiting for you to discover them.

Coachella 2023 Dates

Coachella will be held on two weekends; April 12-14 and April 19-21, 2023.

Have you subscribed to Rad Season? You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Accommodation near Coachella 2023

Rad Season is providing you with hotels and Airbnbs at the lowest prices available online. Book your stay for Coachella 2023 using the map below!

Coachella 2023

Coachella 2023 Lineup Breakdown

Coachella 2023 official lineup is finally out today. Coachella 2023 lineup was in shambles when Kanye West dropped out but the people from Goldenvoice .

Coachella Music Festival 2023 Trailer

Coachella Music Festival 2023 Trailer The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (commonly referred to as Coachella or the Coachella Festival) is an annual .

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THANK U SO MUCH TO DOTE. I LOVE YALL. Link to the sweater I was wearing: https://www.soaestheticshop.com/products/alice-in-wonderland-sweater THE .

Blackpink, Hyukoh & Perfume Fans React to 2023 Coachella Lineup | Billboard News

K-pop continues to take over the world! Coachella announced its 2023 festival lineup and the Internet erupted in excitement over the news that K-pop quartet .

Coachella 2023 Lineup: Childish Gambino, Ariana Grande, Tame Impala

The festival’s latest lineup is met with mixed reactions from fans. More from Entertainment Tonight: .

coachella 2023 lineup. my thoughts

NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOLLOW ME! Instagram: erincavvv Twitter: erincavvv Snapchat: ecav94 LETS COLLAB: Email: .

Coachella 2016: Thank You

coachella.com ++ Song: «Aurora» by RL Grime.

10 Artists To Watch at Coachella 2023 (Can’t Miss)

Coachella 2023 is an epic event and has hundreds of talented artists. Here are the 10 most anticipated Coachella 2023 artists to watch. Who are your 10 best .


Here is my Coachella 2023 lineup reaction! Not sure how I feel about this lineup. how do you feel? They have some really great artists but I guess it was just a .

What I Think Of 2023 Coachella Set List

What I think of the new list of Coachella performers . Follow my IG and Twitter — ForevaJoe.

Beyoncé — Intro/Crazy In Love/Freedom/Lift Every Voice And Sing/Formation (Coachella Weekend 1)

Beyoncé performing at Coachella on April 14, 2024 (Weekend 1). Her first time performing since the 2017 Grammys & giving birth to her twins Sir & Rumi Carter .


Some items I bought for Coachella 2024 as well as my festival fashion essentials! Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexcentomo/ OPEN FOR .

Coachella 2023 Trends

Coachella2023 Coachella 2023 Trends.

Coachella Parties 2023: Start Preparing NOW

Coachella Party season is upon us. and 2023 is going to be the best year yet. Start preparing NOW, as there’s going to be a ton of sign-ups, RSVPs, and more.


HI GUYS ♡ Today, I am telling you guys all about my first COACHELLA experience! Basically, I wanted to let you guys know what I went through, what I learned, .

All Coachella Stages Explained // Dome, Tents, Clubs

Coachella stages explained. What is the Sahara stage? What is the Artic dome at Coachella explained. So many stages at Coachella you never get bored.

COACHELLA 2024 // Weekend 2

Some clips from my weekend at Coachella 2024 (April 20-22) + car camping :)


I’M SO EXCITED TO FINALLY RELEASE THIS. We had so much fun filming this around Coachella and can’t even tell you how many hours of love went into .


Are you excited about this year’s 2023 Coachella Festival line up? Let us know in the comments! Like and subscribe! ***Destiny’s IG name is actually .

Chellacast Episode 1 — Coachella 2023 Lineup Breakdown

What’s everybody! My name is Grayson Gregory and this is YEAR 2 of my Coachella only podcast, Chellacast! This podcast is solely made for fans that love .


DAYS FILMED // 4.14-16.16 ASPYN’S SUBSCRIPTION BOX // http://bit.ly/AspynSubBox STRIPED ROMPER // http://bit.ly/1peG6S6 TANNING WIPES .

HOW MUCH DOES COACHELLA REALLY COST?! + How I Can Afford It | Natalie Barbu’s Vlogs

ITS VERY EXPENSIVE. ▽▻CLICK THE SHOW MORE BUTTON◁▽ ▻My Main Channel: youtube.com/beautybynatxo ▻Facebook: .

Reaction to BLACKPINK — ‘뚜두뚜두 (DDU-DU DDU-DU)’ M/V // Coachella Reactions

Blackpink is going to be at Coachella 2023 and here is a reaction to the Blackpink song DDU DU DDU DU. Blackpink is goin to bring so much energy and .

Getting lit to the 2023 coachella lineup!

CLICK FOR MORE! ☆·.·´¯`·.·☆ sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ ☆·.·´¯`·.·☆ ❋INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/hopebryantl/ ❋VSCO: .

Who Paid for Your Coachella Ticket?

Want More Vids? Subscribe ▻▻ http://bit.ly/2m8kGoL Why pay $1000 for the weekend when mommy and daddy can cover the bill? Follow us: Twitter .

Coachella 2023 Lineup Review/Discussion

Hey guys! Me and Kaliyah are officially starting our 2023 #Coachella YouTube Series! This last week Coachella posted their 2023 #Lineup and we decided to .

Reacting to the Coachella Lineup 2023 (very real & honest)

Coachella booked all the biggest names this year! Coachella reaction video 2023 lineup Instagram: @BrentPella http://www.facebook.com/brentpella .

COACHELLA 2023 ¡Sólo ellos lo pueden hacer y salirse con la suya!

Qué opinas del lineup de Coachella 2023? ** ▻**Creo que es el único festival que puede hacer eso y salirse con la suya. La gente que más se queja son los .

Coachella 2023 Lineup Confirmed and Predictions

Coachella 2023 lineup is about to be released in about a month and here the confirmed so far and the rumored artists. Let me know who you want to see at this .

Desert X 2023 | Coachella Valley

Hey Loves! I hope you enjoy this Desert X Art Hunt. Like mentioned in the video, the are instalations are scattered all throughout the valley, we did not visit all of .

2023 Coachella Lineup Announced | Fast Facts

If You’re New Subscribe ▻ http://bit.ly/1Jy0DbO Ariana Grande, Childish Gambino and Tame Impala are set to headline the popular West Coast music festival.

How To Buy a Bracelet For Coachella 2023? Its NOT too late!

Coachella 2023 is going faster than think, in fact the resale tickets go on sale tomorrow at 11am! Don’t worry if you missed the early sale, there will be another .

Coachella’s 2023 Lineup: Childish Gambino, Tame Impala & Ariana Grande to Headline | Billboard News

Childish Gambino, Tame Impala and Ariana Grande are just some of the big names confirmed for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 2023 lineup, .


Just showing y’all what VIP at Coachella is really like and giving some pointers.. PSA, plz don’t judge my horrible editing skills hahah I am new to this! Instagram- .

Coachella 2023 Headliners (July) NO WAY.

Coachella 2023 is getting here before you know it and already lots of rumors are circling around the web. Here is the July list of Coachella 2023 Headliners.

REPORT: Coachella 2023 Headliners Revealed

UPDATE 1/2 | It’s been confirmed that Kanye West is no longer being considered a headliner for Coachella 2023. According to TMZ, negotiations between West and promoter Goldenvoice fell through due to issue with the stage design. Read more here.

UPDATE 12/6 | Due to bruised vocal chords, Justin Timberlake has been forced to push back his tour. The new dates in Los Angeles would conflict with Coachella’s radius clause, likely ruling him out as a headliner.

The Coachella rumor mill has its apparent headliners for next year. The same publication that accurately predicted the top spots on the 2015 and 2017 lineups has announced all three closing acts for 2023.

Hits Daily Double reports, “Informed sources tell us that the Coachella 2023 lineup will be headlined by Childish Gambino (Friday), Justin Timberlake (Saturday) and Kanye West (Sunday). Believe it or not.”

Kanye West, stage name Ye, last performed at the music festival in 2011 as a co-headlining festival closer. Childish Gambino played in 2012, so he’s also well overdue. Surprisingly, Justin Timberlake has never played at Coachella, so it’s about time.

If this is the case, West will certainly have plenty of new material to perform. His forthcoming album YANDHI is scheduled to drop on Black Friday and he’s been teasing a Watch the Throne sequel with Jay-Z coming soon.

The other two headliners will be primed for the main stage as well. Gambino’s This Is America Tour wraps up in December and Timberlake’s Man of the Woods Tour wraps in January.

Hits Daily Double predicted Jack White, Drake and AC/DC as 2015 headliners. Again, the publication revealed the 2017 headliners, Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar and Radiohead.

Source: Hits Daily Double | Photo: Charles Reagan Hackleman

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